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Purpose of life accordind to ISLAM

The most important question for any human being in this world is "Who am I?" or in other words "Why I am in this world?Many theories and philosophies have been presented from different group of thoughts, from the beginning of this world up to the mean time.

We are trying to explain the answer of above question in the light of preaching of Islam, under the guidance of Saints/ Sufi exegitists.

Hadith-e-Qudsi (Pure/Jerusalem saying of God/Allah)) is:

was a secret treasure, I wished to be recognized/acquaintained so I created creatures.

From the personality/self of Allah to the lowest level three levels are of creature and three levels are of the personality of Allah. (Here word personality does not explain the exact meaning of but is used because only is found in the English diction.)

Three levels of creature are as follow.

Lowest level (where we are at the time being) is called Nasoot This means physical universe.

Second/middle one is called Malakoot This means world of angels. Upper most of creature is called Jabaroot which means majesty/omnipotent.

Three levels of personality of Allah are as follow:

Upper level than Jabaroot (majesty/omnipotent) is called Lahoot This is the world lying beyond the time and space. This is actual house of mankind Insaan Above Lahoot is Yahoot . And most upper level is called Hahowayyet

Here in this topic we will try to explain levels from Lahoot to Nasoot.

Lahoot is also called world of Souls (Aalam-e-Arwah Here all Souls (Arwah) were growing up/bringing up by looking at unveiled Allah, i.e. with out any veil/parda.

Allah says in Holy Quran:

I asked for my providence (Raboobiat

You said, yes! Why not.

Then Allah created three levels of creature by saying Kun-Fayakoon .Heaven-Fardous (Jannat-ul-Fardous is in Aalam-e-Jabaroot, where Hazrat Adam A.S lived for some period.After the mistake of Hazrat Adam A.S (i.e., they ate the wheat while Allah had prohibited them from eating wheat), Allah brought them (Hazrat Adam A.S and Hazrat Hawa A.S) at Nasoot (this physical world).

As Allah Says in Holy Quran:

I created human on best shape then I brought him down at the lowest level.

Now in this world human beings are born and died. Every soul, which has answered as Yes! Why not in Aalam-e-Lahoot (Aalam-e-Arwah) is sent in this world and is created with soil.

After the death of every human first question that will be asked from him/her in the grave is:

" Who is your Lord/Provider? "

Point to be noted is the question before coming in this world was in the Aalam-e-Lahoot (Aalam-e-Arwah) and after the death first question is

As Hazrat Muhammad has said:

"This world is examination hall for lasting world."

Now other point to be noted is that in Aalam-e-Lahoot question was about the providence/deity (Raboobiat " ") and not for kindness or any other quality of God/Allah. Rab " " means one who provides feed. So this means all souls were livings on feed, which was vision/look at unveiled Allah and repeated invocation and praise of Allah.

To remind human beings Holy Prophets and Holy Books have been sent by Allah.After sending last and final Prophet Hazrat Muhammad and final Holy Book Quran Allah has chosen Islam as right religion. After Hazrat Muhammad Sahaba-e-Karam , and then Aulia-e-Karam (Saints and Sufia) and Ulama-e-Rasikheen (Savants/Muslim theologians) have done duty to remind human being, their past origin.

Saying of Holy Prophet is:

"Every new born child is born at the nature of Islam."

Holy Quran says:

"No doubt, there was a time at human when no thing was to say/invoke for him."

For success in "Nasoot" there is knowledge of Sharah " " and acts of Sharah and reward of these acts is Heaven Ma-awa " ". This reward must not be the target of human being. By getting the knowledge of Tareeqat " " and acting on Tareeqat Human enters in Aalam-e-Malakoot, where reward for him/her is Heaven Naeem "" To achieve upper level, which is Aalam-e-Jabaroot there are knowledge and acts of Maarefat " " and reward for them is Heaven Fardous " "One must not stop himself even after getting this reward.

There are knowledge and acts of Haqiqat " " to achieve upper level than Jabaroot, which is Aalam-e-Lahoot. The reward for them is Heaven-e-Qurb " <" (Heaven of nearness) in Aalam-e-Lahoot, where there are only tajalliat (Luminosity) of personal light/luminosity of Allah and where human is satisfied and unfear/knowing no grief

As according to Holy Quran devil/Iblees said to Allah:

"I will misguide/astray all but not those obedient persons who will be pure/un-adulterable."

In Holy Quran Allah says: "No doubt, there is no fear/grief on Saints (Aulia-e-Karam and they have no worry/sorrow."

Dr.Muhammad Iqbal has said in his poetry, while explaining all above facts:

"O bird of Lahoot! (What’s your feed,) death is better than having that feed which slows down your flying."

"O young muslim! Have you ever thought about that what was a sky of which you are a broken star. "

"Calamity, forgiveness, purity and majesty/magnificence (Jabaroot) are four elements which make a Muslim"

"This knowledge of Lahoot and philosophy of Malakoot/World of Angels is just nothing if you haven't found the cure for pain for concubine.

What’s the result when (only) tongue has said Kalima ( ), if heart and eye are not muslim (i.e., muslim but not by heart) then there is nothing."

Hazrat Baba Farid has said in his poetry while talking with Allah:

"We were there near your residence and we had no worry.

We listened the sayings, which our friend said to us."

Hazrat Peer Mehr Ali Shah has said:

"Kun (i.e., Happen) is said (by Allah) and Fayakoon (i.e., "It was happened" World was created by Allah) previous day (this means not a period which may be forgot), and we did love (with Allah) before this day. "

has said:

"When (Allah) said Kun-Fayakoon "" we were near the "Allah", HOO.

There was a time when self (personally) and qualities of only Allah was there. And now we are searching Allah in this world, HOO.

There was a time when Lahoot (Lamakan "world lying beyond time and space") was our house and now we have been arrested / ensnared in idols / statutes, HOO.

Evil spirit / Sensual appetites has defiled / unclean us, actually from the beginning / start we were not defiled, HOO."

"My soul listened the question of Providence (asked by Allah in Lahoot) after that it says every moment, "Yes! Why not", HOO.

Affection of Home (i.e., Lahoot) has been overcome, which doesn't allow to sleep even a moment, HOO.

O material world! Calamity may be on you, because you stop from the way towards truth i.e., Allah,HOO.

Pure truth lovers never accept its materialism, even this world weeps before them and beg from them to accepts its materialism, HOO."

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